When I was single and attending the singles ward me and my brother and I used to drive someone to church all the time. At first we started driving him because the people who used to drive him were no longer able too. It stayed that way for a long time I think because he became comfortable with us. He was a little out of the way but my father when we were young would always drive people who didnt have a car to church so we did aswell. Sometimes it was annoying but really i didnt mind being a car pool. We drove Shane to church for a few years until I got married and I believe my siblings continued to drive him after that.
Shane had names for everyone. He would take your name and make some sort of play on words with it. When Jon and I were dating he became "Jon the toilet" another girl was "Jen the pen". For a long time I was "Hey Heather how's the weather". Well one day at work someone I worked with joked about how Heather and Leather rymed and called me "Black Leather Heather". Shane heard this sometime later. He thought it was hilarious and embraced it. Black Leather Heather was immortalized. That is what he called me from then on.
I remember when I was going through a tough time Shane could tell if I was having a bad day. He would write me a note telling me how wonderful I was and how he appreciated me. When he would do that I always knew that he meant it. They were so sweet and touching. Honestly I would be lying if i said he never drove me crazy because he did sometimes. When I think about it I cant remember many of the things that frustrated me but more of the things that made me laugh.
He would talk to anyone and try to cheer them up. He would laugh and joke with anyone. He would create a name for everyone. I kind of wish I rememberd more of the names he used.
I just learned that Shane passed away last night. He had epilepsy and had a seisure that stopped his heart. I have only seen him a handful of times since I got married. Im sad that I wont see him again for a long time. I explained to my daughter today that I was sad because one of my friends went to live with Heavenly Father and I wouldnt see him for a long time. Im happy as well because I know that is where he is.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Awww...I didn't know him...but I too will happily pick up the torch and call you by annoying names.
Seriously...I'm sorry you lost a friend Heather. (((hugs)))
I'm sorry that this happened, I'm sure you know he's in a better place. Shane was a survivor of a terrible condition who I hope his life was made better by association with our family.
sounds like he made a great impact on your life...he seems to have lived a good life and is definitely in a good place...
what a great friend to have had...
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