Two guys come through my till, very nice. They chat with me and the lady behind them. Moments after they leave the lady realizes that one of them has left behind his cell phone. We call out to them at the door and he comes back and picks it up. At wich point he drops a five dolar bill for the lady and tries to leave. The lady tries to say no to the small reward and chases the man out the door. He of course fends off the five dollar bill being shoved back at him. The lady wins and manages to get it back in his hand and tells him to donate it to an animal shelter or something. This all happend amid laughter and the best of intentions of course.
Hey if you are going to fight over it I will take the five dollars!
Later a guy comes through my till i have never seen before in my life. He is buying a DVD player,
Guy: Do I get a staff discount?
(yes I give everyoine I have never met a staff discount)
Me: Uh do you work here?
Guy: Yeah I work at the north store
Me: I gotta call Bobbi for that.
Guy: Dont worry about It im in a hurry it is so cheap anyway.
Me: are you sure?
Guy: yeah I gotta go.
I begin to ring through the purchase.
Me: did you just start?
Guy: Yeah what is our discount like 10 percent or something?
I start to tell him what it is but decide not to tell him exactly, the whole thing just seememd weird. I finish the purchace and he starts out the door without his reciept or change.
Guy: Dont worry about that.
Im not sure if he is talking abou the reciept or the two dollars change.
Me: Dont you want your reciept? (if you work there you should know you cant exchange without your reciept)
guy: Uh yes I guess I do.
He leaves. Ok it all just seememed not quite right, I dunno maybe he does work at the north side store but why wouldnt he buy the stuff there and why would he not ask his boss there about his discount instead of someone who dosent even know him at the other store?
Slow Start
1 week ago
story still makes me laugh... :-)
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