You all know Ikea. It is designed so that on your journey through you get to walk through every section and be tempted to spend money at every turn. We all know it works. You go to look at storage bins and end up buying crayon containers and a wooden top to a metal drawer set you bought last year. But no storage bins.
They do have a few shortcuts but we all know should a fire alarm go off there would be mass chaos. Especially on a saturday afternoon.
Anyway we are in the storage section and Breanna (who never tells us she has to go potty) tells dad she has to go. So of course mom grabs her hand and and we start to run. At this point there are no shortcuts to where we want to go and we are on the other side of the store. So we run through the art and the plants and the section at the end with all the boxed items. And we make it to the bathroom. First stall we try the last person did not flush, gross. Next stall: wet seat. Next one is taken. Finaly we are in the stall and she was only a tiny bit wet. (I would have had a hard time holding if it were me).
So she is on the potty and darn those automatic toilets, it goes off when she is halfway through. Of course it scares her and I have a 3 year old coming at me mid potty. How fun is that. Well mess gets cleaned up (which was not to bad considering) And I am ready for a nap.
Oh and somehow on our long trek back to where we left Dad and Ryan, we miss them coming to get us.
Thanxs Ikea, Thanxs a lot.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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