I met KL (Kari-Lynn) at McD's today. We let our children play in the play area. I did not bring socks for her ( a rule for such play areas). I was faced with a dilema. Which is worse letting her play in her sandals or barefoot. Both making me a negligent parent. After hearing her clomp around in her sandals I just let her go barefoot. I thought I would pretend to be ignorant of any rule. (this is the jist of the conversation not exactly word for word.)
There was a lady behind us who was talking to her daughter loud enough for us all to hear.
Lady: "You need your socks on before you go in there you are not allowed in without socks."
Hmm can I still pretend to be ignorant when I could obviously hear that. Then Aubryn (KL's daughter) pipes in with her authoritative (and probably audible to the lady at the next table who probably noticed my childs sockless state) voice.
Aubryn: Breanna doesnt have socks on she need socks to go in there!
Me: Shh its ok. (yes I shhd her I was trying to pretend to be ignorant, sorry Aubryn)
Aubryn: But she dosent have socks on!
Me: Yeah I know I forgot them.
When I went in I thought that the socks you buy were 2 bucks to buy and we were going out to McD's on the change dish and I did not want to waste two bucks. Turns out they were only 99 cents. Guess I am just cheap. Thanx Aubryn for helping me be honest and doing the right thing. Next time I WILL bring socks.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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