Ryan was trying to sneak away from the table with his macaroni and cheese today I stopped him once. Minutes later he was at it again. I saw him in the hall way and told him to bring it back. He paused for a moment and responded NO and ran into the living room. I caught him just as the plate spilled all over the floor. As I was cleaning it up I noticed Breanna arranging her chair with a can of pop on either side. She said.
"Im the king and those are the servants that go by my throne"
My son is practicing for a life of crime and Breanna is having delusions of grandeaur. Hmm I dont know which to worry more about.
Brooke's AND Myas weddings
2 days ago
Your own little pomp and circumstance. LOL.
She's not delusional. She's amitious. ;)
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