I like to think that when we pass on from this life to the next a few things happen. Of course first you want to see your loved ones that have passed on before.
Then you get a question period where you get to ask all those questions that you have wondered about your whole life. Like what would it be like to experience life through the consciousness of a gold fish and do amoebas have feelings, that kind of stuff. Oh and about how we were created and how evidence of evolution really fits in to the plan of things. Hey with my new unlimited scientific knowledge maybe I can make that light speed travel device work that I planned when I was delivering flyers as a kid. *
Then I like to think that perhaps there is some kind of heavenly home theater where you sit in front of a big screen TV. (or maybe they have some sort of virtual interactive sort of thing. This is heaven, they have the best technology I am sure.) Then they hand you the remote and you get to watch any part of your life you want. (the fast forward button would be really handy for those dentist visits).
At this point you get to watch all the good stuff you want. See yourself as a 5 year old again. Relive all the fun times. Realize that when that lady in the SUV honked her horn it really was ME being the Jerk. ( you get the occasional surprise of course).
Most importantly I would like to see where all the places are that I lost my keys, or my bank cards are or what on earth happened to that second can of orange juice that I bought two weeks ago? How on earth did I lose those glasses? What did I do with the scriptures in that flowery red scripture case that dad gave me from salt lake city?
Gremlins people I think I would finally get to see the gremlins that did it all.
* I imagine that much to my dissappointment I would find out that this proccess would still take some time. I imagine God would still expect us to learn it ourselfes. Im sure he has some fantastic reference material though.
Slow Start
1 week ago
I'd even eat popcorn to see that movie.
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