John Ducey Park - Telus Feild
Northlands Coliseum - SkyReach - Rexall place
The Convention Center - Shaw Conference Center
Capilano Drive - Wayne Gretzky Drive
Calgary Trail North - Gateway Boulevard
Fantasy Land - Galaxy Land
Klondike Days - Capital EX
Mayfair Park - Hawrelak Park (ok so I dont even remember it being called Mayfair but I included it in my list anyway)
What is with changing names? I still slip up and say names like fantasy land and Calgary trail north. What is summer going to be like with out Klonkike days? Its not like Im not good with change I can handle it but it confuses my tounge really. It is not like I decide to change my childrens names halfway through their lives or something.
Thats all I have to say about that.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Oh yes and it half of it used to be called Eaton Centre
close, is actually edmonton centre east and west...not north and south...
and imo, Capital EX is a totally dumb name...
and why did they have to change Fantasyland to Galaxyland, but not the Fantasyland Hotel to Galaxyland Hotel???
just curious...
the whole fantasy land thing had something to do with disney land already having a section named fantasyland. there may have been a lawsuit. I dont know why it did not extent to the hotel.
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