- I got a part time job so latley I have been feeling pretty busy. I only work in the evenings or a daytime jon has off from school. It is fun though and very different to be working again.
- Jon nearing the end of the sememster at school he will be done on december 12th and is really looking forward to the break before he starts his work term next semester.
- There is still no offical employer for the coop job starting in january but there is still lots of time and we are not worried.
- The kids are pretty much the same as always. They keep us on our toes. Breanna loves puzzles these days and is becoming very good at them. She can do a 25 piece puzzle with out any help.
- Christmas is around the corner and I cant believe how the time has flown by.we will be spending Christmas here at home ths year and will be having my family over for dinner. Im looking forward to it. It will be really nice to have the kids wake up on christmas morning in their own house.
Slow Start
1 week ago
wow!!! i must say Breanna is doing better than me...i don't know if i could do any puzzle by myself(maybe a 4 pc. puzzle) by myself...lol
waking up for christmas in your own house will be so much fun...be sure to set the rules now, though...they can't wake you up b4 6 am...that may not work, though, if they can't tell time...hmmm ;)
It was fun having you at the crop!
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