Breanna wanted to wear her "high heels" today. They are a pair of black dress shoes with a bit of a heel we found them at a second hand store and they dont quite fit yet. She has not worn them really because they are not comfortable for her because they are still a little too large. Anyhow she put them on today and proudly exclaimed:
"mom! they dont hurt when I wear them anymore!"
I thought for a moment of the sacrifices of comfort girls will make for the sake of fashion. Me: I am kind of fashion negligent, I would make a great candidate for the show "What not to wear". As far as shoes go I appreciate them for their funcionality and while I can apprecieate a cute pair of shoes I dont really go all out for them. Which is why it came as a complete suprise to me when Breanna said to me next:
"Mom, dont you think the shoes really complete the dress?"
My tom-boy girl seems to have a bit of girly girl in after all. she dosent get it from me, but maybe I can learn from her one day?
Slow Start
1 week ago